Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych Gaz-System S.A.
Renovation of the DN700 high-pressure gas pipeline Goleniów-Pełczyce
The scope of the investment carried out by NDI Energy included the preparation of design documentation and construction works related to the renovation of the DN 700 Goleniów-Pełczyce gas pipeline, including:
preparation of design documentation necessary to repair the gas pipeline and obtaining the necessary consents and decisions, as well as carrying out construction works, including leak protection at the existing pig passage signaller (stop and bleed unit 751 Małkocin facility),
construction of a new signal system by drilling and installation using the hermetic method and restoring the original condition after the work.
Investment location
Remont gazociągu wysokiego ciśnienia DN700 Goleniów-Pełczyce