


Railway infrastructure




PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA

Railway Line 207 Chełmża-Grudziądz

Implementation in the “design-build” system was planned for 22 months. The aim of the project was to increase the existing train speed from 50 km/h to 80-100 km/h.

The investment project included the revitalization of approximately 40 km of the section of railway line No. 207 between Chełmża and Grudziądz and the renovation of infrastructure related to the railway line.

The construction works included the complete replacement of the track pavement over a length of approximately 38 km, the modernization of 38 crossings and 10 platforms, and the renovation of 56 culverts. Railway traffic control devices were installed on the route, and half-way barriers appeared at some railway crossings.

Railway traffic control devices, telecommunications devices and electrical power equipment (power lines, lighting, electrical heating of turnouts) were replaced at the stations.

40 kilometrów - długość zrewitalizowanego odcinka

Zmodernizowano 38 przejazdów i 10 peronów

Całkowita wymiana nawierzchni torowej na odcinku ok. 38 kilometrów

Investment location

Linia Kolejowa Chełmża-Grudziądz

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