


Road infrastructure





Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad



A1 motorway at the Gdańsk–Toruń section

In consortium with Skanska SA, we built the northern section of the A1 motorway, 152 km long. This is a project of key importance for the national transport system.

The basic elements of the highway road system included two roadways, two lanes in each direction, with a central dividing lane and an emergency lane along the road.

At the intersection with main national roads, collision-free road junctions were designed to provide access to the motorway corridor and enable connection to the existing transport system. Collision-free crossings with no access to the motorway were designed over cross roads and railway lines. The motorway stretch includes the construction of passenger service areas, catering outlets, toilets and parking lots for cars and trucks.

A flyover of the construction of the A1 Motorway on the Gdańsk-Toruń section

In addition to building works related to the construction and alteration of existing roads, the construction of the A1 Motorway also included:

Lighting of road junctions,

Construction of environmental protection devices (including earth embankments, acoustic screens, protective greenery, oil separators, animal crossings),

Construction of motorway operation and maintenance facilities and passenger service areas,

Construction of toll collection points and stations,

Installation of traffic safety devices (including crash barriers, guardrails, fencing and road markings),

Installation of traffic safety devices (including crash barriers, guardrails, fencing and road markings),

EUR 1,259 million total project value,

4,500 people worked on the project at peak,

152 km length of the constructed motorway,

230 machines worked on the project at peak

33,000,000 m³ of earthworks in both stages of the project,

137 bridge structures were constructed during the project implementation

As part of the motorway construction, the currently longest motorway bridge in Poland, approximately 2 km long, was built near Grudziądz.

Investment location

A1 Motorway

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