Four tenders and first places for the NDI Group

The NDI Group is currently conducting 26 investments throughout Poland and is intensively working on acquiring further projects. In four proceedings, the bids submitted by the NDI Group companies took the first place. These are two road projects, a building project, construction of a new tram line and a project from the hydraulic engineering industry, i.e. a tender for the digging of the Vistula Spit. NDI is a Polish capital group with 100% Polish capital. It has been operating on the construction market since 1991.

Tram infrastructure

NDI is a company that has conducted and carries out many investments in the modernisation and construction of tracks in the Silesian Metropolis. The projects carried out include, among others: the modernisation of the line on the Katowice Market Square, from the Market Square to Wolności Square, as well as the modernisation of tracks in Ruda Śląska, Świętochłowice, Sosnowiec, Chorzów and Dąbrowa Górnicza. Currently, NDI is successfully running 5 projects, whose investor is Tramwaje Śląskie (Silesian Trams): in Sosnowiec in Piłsudskiego St., and in Świętochłowice in Bytomska St., in Bytom in Katowice St. and Arka Bożka St. and in Będzin. The projects under implementation may also include the „Construction of the tram line in the Zagórze District from the tram terminal to the roundabout of John Paul II in Sosnowiec”. This is the only bid that has been submitted in the tender for this demanding task planned in the design-build system. The scope of the project is not only the construction of a new 4 kilometre route from the terminal in Zagórze (which is to be routed through a tunnel under Braci Mieroszewskich St., then a one-level junction with Wolności Av. and Blachnickiego St., along Białostocka St., Paderewskiego St. to the junction of Rydza-Śmigłego St. with 11 Listopada St., i.e. the roundabout of John Paul II, where the terminal is planned), but also the reconstruction and expansion of the road system in Braci Mieroszewskich St. along with access to a shopping centre. The value of the bid by NDI is PLN 98.7 million.

Hydraulic engineering

In the tender for the digging of the Vistula Spit, the NDI Group in a consortium with its Belgian partner, Besix N.V., submitted a bid with the best price. The Polish-Belgian consortium offered to perform work for PLN 992,271,000. The implementation of the digging is a challenge in the field of hydraulic engineering. NDI has experience in this area, because in partnership with Besix it has already built the DCT2 container terminal in the Port of Gdańsk in Poland. The tender covers the construction of protective harbour from the side of the Gulf of Gdańsk, the construction of a shipping channel with a lock and the construction of closures together with waiting stations from the side of the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Vistula Lagoon, and the construction of an artificial island located in the Vistula Lagoon. The shipping channel will be 1-kilometre-long and five-metre-deep. Ultimately, it is to enable vessels with a draft of up to 4 metres, length up to 100 metres and width up to 20 metres to enter the port of Elbląg. The construction of the channel through the Vistula Spit is to be completed in 2022. The investor is the Maritime Office in Gdynia.

Road infrastructure

In June, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways in Szczecin opened bids in the tender for the construction of three sections of the S11 expressway. On two sections, i.e. from the Koszalin Zachód Interchange to the Zegrze Pomorskie Interchange (approx. 16.8 km) and from the Koszalin Południe Interchange to Bobolice (approx. 11.6 km) NDI has submitted the best offers.

The total value of NDI bids for both sections is PLN 874.5 million, the tender is conducted in the design-build system.

Building construction projects

NDI has submitted a bid with the best price worth PLN 36.5 million for the construction at the Planetarium for the Hevelianum Centre in Gdańsk. As a part of this interesting investment, a three-storey underground facility is to be built, located within the forts in Gdańsk, between Kaponiera Południowa (South Caponier) and Galeria Strzelecka (Shooting Gallery). Bids are currently being processed.

