Trams in Bytom have set off
Test drives last week and restoration of traffic from Thursday. Trams are already operating in Bytom on the streets of Arki Bożka to Siemianowicka and Katowicka to Sikorskiego Square. Works are ongoing on road surfaces, bicycle routes and parking spaces, but they will also end this year.
In accordance with previous declarations and readiness to resume tram traffic, from 18 to 20 September, test drives took place on the section from Arki Bożka St. to Sikorski Square in Bytom. The investment includes two tasks called 7.1 and 7.2 with a total length of tram tracks of 4.8 km of a single track.
The contractor is a consortium of NDI and Balzola, and the investor is Tramwaje Śląskie (Silesian Trams). Task 7.1 included the reconstruction of the underground infrastructure, construction of a tram track using the ballast method over a section of over 3.2 km of a single track along with three road crossings made using the method of the so-called floating track and an anchored track section. The investment also included the reconstruction of the overhead line power supply and its adjustment as well as the construction of eight tram stops.
The track made as a part of Task 7.2 is nearly 1.6 km of a single track made using the slab method with continuous flexible rail fastening, within which the road surface consists of track slabs with an integrated stone surface, outside the scope of Siemianowicka St., where concrete slabs were used. In addition, sanitary networks were rebuilt, deep and surface drainage was built, the overhead line system was rebuilt comprehensively, and the elevated platform was constructed.
From September 26, normal two-track tram traffic resumed on the section from Arki Bożka St. to Siemianowicka St., then Katowicka St. to Sikorskiego Square and back. On Katowicka St. in Bytom and along the track on the section from Arki Bożka St. to Siemianowicka St., track-related finishing works and road works are underway. To a large extent, this is work related to the reconstruction of road surfaces, pedestrian and pedestrian-bicycle routes together with parking spaces, carried out for the Bytom Commune, which is also the investor of street lighting mounted on overhead line poles.
The investment called „Reconstruction of tram tracks in Bytom on Katowicka St. on the section from Sikorskiego Square to Siemianowicka St. (extension of the second track)” will end this year, despite many additions to the design documentation resulting in the need for additional and replacement works. The basic scope of work was completed and partially accepted, and the track along with the overhead line system was put into service on September 23.