NDI S.A. signs the contract to revitalise the Sopot Hippodrome

On 27 June 2012 we signed the contract to implement the project entitled: ‘Revitalisation of the Historical Hippodrome Complex in Sopot along with repairs and development’, co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and by the state budget under the Regional Operational Programme for the Pomeranian Voivodship for the years 2007-2013 – investment completion.

The contract value is PLN 31.5 million. The investment implementation phase is scheduled for 14 months as of the Contract signing date.

The investment encompasses putting in place:

– An enlarged roofed manege and warm-up arena
– Amateur stables for 74 horses fit for recreational riding (64 full size horses and 10 ponies), saddle room with toilets, indoor warm-up arena, and a specially fitted hippotherapy complex.
– A hippotherapy complex with a hall sized230 m2, a70 m2gym hall with locker rooms and toilets, and the trainers’ private area.
– Professional stables for 112 racing horses, with the accompanying facilities and a roofed warm-up arena, hay and straw storage, and a grain silo.
– The revitalised authentic Judge Stands building with office space, boiler room, and a conference room for 100 people appended with toilets and cloak room on the ground floor. The upper floor will house fully glazed stands for the audience of 160, and a compartment for the umpire and technical committees.
– A noveltyEquestrianAmusement Park– the first inPomerania.
– Garage and workshop facilities.
– A special jockey building intended to serve the riders before and during the race, comprising the referee room with the rider scales, the lockers, and a leisure room. The building will be appended with breezeways and roofed box stalls for horses awaiting the race.

