NDI – a Partner to the 2nd European Financial Congress in Sopot

The Congress will officially be opened by Mr Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister.

The Congress programme envisages three debates with NDI as the official Partner:

– 24 May 2012, 09.00-11.00 hours
The role of the State in designing and developing the transport system.

– 24 May 2012, 14.30-16.30 hours
Effectiveness and feasibility of the transport infrastructure development programme.

– 25 May 2012, 11.00-12.30 hours
Sources of financing the development and modernisation of the transport system.

The above debates will tackle many vital issues in the areas of infrastructure development and financing, for instance:

– Is Europe of the turn of the 21st century witnessing the end of the epoch of the State’s investments in infrastructure?
– What expenditure should be borne on the development of infrastructure, and how to ensure the development of the infrastructure market?
– The barriers and risks in the investment implementation process.
– How to shape the budget and the public debt strategy in the aspect of financing the infrastructure?
– What is and what will be the role of the European Union funds as a source of financing infrastructural development, and is the PPP formula the actual chance for financing development in infrastructure?

The debates will be joined in by representatives of the largest firms in the construction industry, financial institutions, and consulting agencies, including e.g.:
– Jerzy Gajewski, President, NDI
– Dariusz Blocher, President, Budimex S.A.,
– Piotr Kledzik, Board Chairman, Polish Association of Construction Industry Employers,
– Andrzej Malinowski, President, Employers of the Republic of Poland
– Irena Herbst, President, Foundation Centre PPP
– Dieter Lobnig, Managing Director, Bank Pekao S.A
– Mirosław Gronicki, Minister of Finance in 2004-2005,

You are most welcome to join in the discussions during the meeting.
To learn more about the Congress, go to: www.efcongress.com

