NDI Group begins work for AGH

The reconstruction of the canteen building will soon begin on the campus of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Once the work is completed, the building will also house conference rooms, server rooms, laboratories and offices. And there is more. The second task involves the renovation of the roof of the AGH’s swimming pool along with the construction of a photovoltaic system. Contracts for both tasks have been signed.

The first investment project will include the reconstruction, addition of floors and expansion of the existing S-1 building in Kraków, located on the student campus. The scope of works includes demolition, earthworks, geotechnical and reinforced concrete works, assembly of steel structures, joinery, facade and finishing works, but also sanitary and electrical installations and land development.


More space and more rooms

The existing building, currently scheduled for demolition, was built at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s and served primarily as a canteen. After its demolition, the General Contractor’s task will be to erect a new building, the height of which at the highest point will be 22.50 m. Its total area will be over 6,400 m2 and the volume will be over 24,000 m3.

The newly designed building will house open space offices, conference rooms, laboratories, a secret office and a server room. The canteen function will also be maintained. After the reconstruction, the facility will also be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. Adaptations will include, among others, wayfinding systems, balustrades and handrails with tactile markings, an information panel for the blind and rescue chairs.

The contract will be completed within 24 months from the date of signing the agreement.


“Green energy” at the swimming pool

At the AGH University of Science and Technology campus, also the swimming pool roof will be renovated. The building is two-story and the highest point is 15.01 m. The roof renovation was divided into three tasks. The first includes renovation works in the field of construction, erection and electrical works. The main goal is to dismantle the existing titanium-zinc sheet covering and then install a new covering together with replacing the siding and insulating layers. The next task involves the comprehensive implementation of a photovoltaic system, and more specifically, the installation of 155 panels with automatic snow removal system mounted on a supporting structure and the implementation of lightning protection. The use of green energy, which is environmentally friendly, constitutes also an additional saving for the Investor. The last task will include the reconstruction of the roof as part of adapting the building to fire safety regulations.

The swimming pool, despite ongoing renovation works, will be open to users. The planned completion date of the works is the end of 2024.

