Works on Pawła Adamowicza Avenue nearly finished
Virtually all works on the construction of the Venetian Flyover have already been completed. Also a new tram line running along Pawła Adamowicza Avenue in Gdańsk, up to the Jabłoniowa terminal is completed. The next weeks will bring mainly testing and commissioning of the line, as well as intensive works on Kartuska and Jabłoniowa St.
The contractor of the investment for the City of Gdańsk is NDI Sopot. The works began in April 2018 and included not only the construction of a new two-track tram line with a length of 2.6 km, but also a new street running parallel to the track that will connect Piecki Migowo, Jasień and Ujeścisko. A large part of the road system was put into operation in January this year, and the avenue was named after the President of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz. The contractor, NDI, additionally completed the construction of a road connecting the educational centre located in this area with the new urban tram and road investment.
“We are preparing for acceptance and final tests of the tram line, still in May we would like to make a tram test trip” – says Sylwia Rogall, Project Director at NDI. – “In the upper part of Pawła Adamowicza Avenue we have started installing acoustic screens. At the end of the month, the flyover illumination will be constructed and launched.”
The concrete corrosion protection coating is being laid under the facility. All the components are finished: bridge, road, track and industry elements.
Intensive works are underway on Kartuska St., bituminous works are already being carried out after express ground reinforcement. On Jabłoniowa St., which will be completed by the end of August, the ground was strengthened for the first road line. The work on this section will not affect the functioning of the entire road system. Cleaning and finishing works related to planting of greenery, marking and other elements of traffic safety are in progress along the entire route.
What was the biggest challenge during implementation of this project?
“The scope of works in such a location – responds Sylwia Rogall, Project Director at NDI. – “We were building a completely new route in an urban, urbanized area. These are heavily populated districts. Therefore, logistics and good work organization were very important in this project. The greatest engineering challenge were innovative solutions used at the flyover.”
Project information:
A two-track tram line (2.6 km long), which has its beginning at the existing tram line at the intersection of Bulońska and Myśliwska St. The route crosses, among others, Stolema and Kartuska St., and ends at the intersection with Warszawska and Jabłoniowa St. Four public transport stops were built along the new street, located every half kilometre on average along the street.
In its course the first in Poland so-called “Venetian flyover” was built. This unique design is modelled on the arched bridges that the ancient Romans built. The entire structure is innovative and is the result of the work of Polish Engineers. For residents, an important aspect will certainly be a good silencing of the structure, thanks to which the noise generated by moving trams will be reduced. The flyover was created from 20-meter spans made of reinforced concrete. There are 154 of them, each weighing 40 tons. They were built nearby, on the construction site.
The flyover structure was invented in close cooperation of NDI Engineers and Tymon Galewski, the owner of the GTI design studio in Gdańsk. NDI wanted to offer the City of Gdańsk a structure that is durable, efficient in maintenance and – not less importantly – original in its form. Arched bridges covered with soil have existed since Roman times and can remain in service even for 2000 years. A very old concept was applied for Nowa Bulońska St., hence the engineers called the structure under construction the „Venetian Flyover”, due to its similarities to the Roman arches, but in a completely innovative version.
“When constructing this flyover, we combined many innovative solutions – including concreting, transport and assembly technology. The result is a very wide spectrum of possibilities as to the span, load capacity, overburden / gradeline of the facility. This prompted us to file a patent application for the solution used to the Patent Office – says Kamil Czyżewski, Infrastructural Construction Director in NDI.
The investment is a part of the Strategic Development Program of the Południe district for the years 2014-2020, developed by the city authorities. On behalf of the City of Gdańsk, the task is coordinated by the District Government Office in Gdańsk. The contractor is a consortium of companies led by NDI S.A. from Sopot.