Poznań Fast Tram will go 70 km/h again

Modernisation of the Poznań Fast Tram (PST) route is underway. Trams will soon be able to move along the reconstructed section of the tram line with an astonishing 70 km/h speed. The section from the Słowiańska stop to the Szymanowskiego stop in Poznań is performed by the Sopot consortium of NDI Energy and NDI SA. Due to its importance for the city, the general contractor makes every effort to deal with the implementation of this investment as soon as possible. The popular PST is one of the favorite means of transport of Poznań residents.

-After 25 years of intensive operation, a comprehensive renovation of the PST route was necessary primarily for safety reasons. We decided to start it only after the completion of construction of a new tram route to Naramowice district, so that the residents of the North of Poznań would have an alternative route to the centre – says Jacek Jaśkowiak, Mayor of Poznań. – After completion of works the Poznań Fast Tram will be fast again. It will be possible to travel safely with PST at a speed of up to 70 kilometres per hour, which is what was originally assumed. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, noise will also be reduced.


Currently, the disassembly of the worn track and sleepers on the section between Słowiańska and Szymanowskiego is coming to an end. The consortium of NDI Energy Sp. z o.o. and NDI S.A. is responsible for the reconstruction of this almost four-kilometre-long, two-track section of the Poznań Fast Tram route. The general contractor carries out comprehensive modernisation of the track surface along with the replacement of the surface of the platform edges at the following stops: Słowiańska, Solidarności, Lechicka / Poznań Plaza, Kurpińskiego and Szymanowskiego.

-The planned disassemble of the old track, which is part of our works, is slowly coming to an end. Next, we will choose the ballast bed, which will be cleaned, compacted and re-arranged. Next, we will put concrete sleepers with a special layer, which will dampen the tracks. Then we will mount the rails. It is worth noting that thanks to the welding of the track, there will be no classic joints here, which will make the journey by tram more comfortable – explains Paweł Gajdzica, site manager from the NDI Group.

Thanks to the reconstruction, the journey will not only become more convenient, but also faster. Some sections of the tram will be able to reach a maximum speed of 70 km / h. On the other hand, the use of appropriate rails and sleepers will dampen the track and make the trams run more smoothly.

Before each stop, approx. 40 m long, the ballast structure will give way to prefabricated or poured concrete slabs. This is to enable the assembly of overlay turnouts. The place prepared in this way will be used, among others for the needs of set up of the tram transport to the Słowiańska stop.

-As part of the investment, we will also repair the edges of the platforms. We will replace the walls and platform slabs. Those that are currently damaged in many places will be replaced by the grooved platform slabs with a warning line and lane – adds Paweł Gajdzica, manager.

The works are divided into stages. The first one will last until the end of this year and will be associated with the commissioning of the Słowiańska stop. The next one must be completed until the end of May 2023 and it includes construction works related to the modernisation of the track and platforms to the Szymanowskiego stop.

The City of Poznań received funding for the investment in the amount of PLN 25.5 million from the state budget.

