Nowa Bulońska Północna – 8 months of work and 60% progress!

The construction of Nowa Bulońska Północna is one of the largest building projects currently being carried out in Gdańsk. It will connect the Piecki-Migowo district with the southern districts of Gdańsk. The project consists in the construction of a tram line, a roadway and a bike lane along with accompanying infrastructure. The route will run from the intersection of Bulońska Street and Myśliwska Street to the intersection of Jabłoniowa Street and Warszawska Street. Works on the construction site started at the beginning of May 2018, and the new route will be ready in the fourth quarter of 2019.

‘We made public transport our priority 15 years ago. We are consistently expanding tram lines. This 2.6 km long section is an example of how we develop transport. This episode is extremely important because after joining the future section of Gdańsk Południe-Wrzeszcz, it will be possible to build a completely new, alternative traffic channel in this part of the city,’ emphasizes Paweł Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdańsk.



New road system
Nowa Bulońska Północna will be a 7-meter-wide two-way roadway, with a one-sided pavement. On its entire length, i.e. 2.7 km, a bike lane with an accompanying infrastructure is also being built. The project also includes construction and reconstruction of street sections connected with Nowa Bulońska Północna including Myśliwska, Nowa Wołkowyska, Myśliwska Południowa, Stolema, Kartuska and Limbowa streets, as well as the junctions with Armii Krajowej, so-called Nowa Warszawska and Nowa Jabłoniowa.

Tramway line
Nowa Bulońska Północna is also a two-track tram line (2.6 km long), which will be an extension of the existing tram line from the intersection of Bulońska Street and Myśliwska Street towards Jabłoniowa Street. The route will intersect, among others Stolema Street and Kartuska Street, and end at the intersection with Warszawska Street and Jabłoniowa Street. Four public transport stops are planned along the new route.

‘The project is worth almost PLN 200 million. It is co-financed by the European Union, under the programme supporting the construction of tram tracks. In terms of size, it is currently the largest construction site in Gdańsk. The construction area varies in elevation considerably. Over 1 million tons of land has already been moved, taken from some places, and added in others. We are doing all this to connect two districts of Gdańsk,’ says deputy mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz.

Stops and integration nodes

Four stops are planned along the tram route: „Nowa Politechniczna”, „Łabędzia”, „Stolema”, „Zabornia”. In addition, a tram and bus integration node called „Węzeł Ujeścisko” will be built together with a car park for cars and bicycles as well as a tram and bus interchange node „Węzeł Zabornia”. At the tram stops and at the integration node „Ujeścisko”, bicycle parking lots will be built, and a road and tram bridge will be constructed over the Siedlecki Stream.

‘We are satisfied that as a Polish company from Tri-City we were chosen to carry out such a technically interesting task. All you can see here results from the work of a great team. About 500 people work at the project. They work in a way ensuring high quality and efficiency, within the budget constraint,’ says NDI vice-chairman Ryszard Trykosko.

The project is part of the Strategic Development Programme for the South District developed by the city authorities for the years 2014-2020. On behalf of the City of Gdańsk, the task is coordinated by the Directorate of the Expansion of the City of Gdańsk. The contractor is a consortium of companies led by NDI S.A. from Sopot. The cost of the task is almost PLN 192 million. The investment is co-financed from the Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment for the years 2014-2020. The EU subsidy amounts to PLN 58.5 million.

Construction figures:
– 100 ha is the area of the construction site
– 8 months of work on the construction site
– 60 % progress of the works
– 2400 deciduous trees were planted as replacement plants in the Reagan Park in Gdańsk
– apart from that: set one on top of the other, the wells from Nowa Bulońska Street would be 7 time higher than the popular „Zieleniak” building, and the rainwater channels from Nowa Bulońska Street would reach from Sopot to the city centre of Gdańsk if laid along the S-train tracks.

What is happening at the construction site now?

· From the intersection of Bulońska Street and Myśliwska Street up to the bridge over the Siedlecki Stream
In the section connecting the current Bulońska Street with the bridge under construction, road works are in progress; they consist in pouring asphalt mixtures, laying a binding layer, works related to the finishing of pavements and bike lanes, and mounting street lighting. At the same time, works related to the construction of the two tracks are continued. So far, over half a kilometre of the double track has been laid.
The road system in Nowa Wołkowyska Street is being finished; a binding layer on the new road surface has been laid and pavements have been made. The next stage of works will be the construction of a roundabout connecting Nowa Wołkowyska Street with Myśliwska Street and the completion of the last layer of the road surface. The work is planned to be completed in the spring of 2019.
· The bridge over the Siedlecki Stream
Near the intersection of Nowa Bulońska Północna Street and Nowa Wołkowyska Street, near the bridge structure being built, works related to the construction of the bridge supports are in progress. The structure is made of reinforced concrete instead of the originally planned steel. This saves time, reduces the noise level, which improves the comfort of use. The total length of the bridge will be approx. 222 m. It will enable collision-free rail, pedestrian and bike traffic over the Siedlecki Stream.
· From the bridge to the intersection with Kartuska Street
Heading further towards Kartuska Street, on the road section being built, curbs and layers of the roadway foundation have been made. Currently, paving works are being carried out and humus is being put on high slopes together with other measures designed to protect them against winter conditions.
· Jabłoniowa Street from the intersection with Kartuska Street to the intersection with Warszawska Street
On the section of Jabłoniowa Street, works related to underground utilities, i.e. storm water drainage, sanitary sewerage and water supply systems have been completed, and all kinds of traction and electric cables have been laid. Throughout the section, substructures for roadways have also been made and asphalt pavement layers have been laid.
· Tram loop in the area of Jabłoniowa Street and Warszawska Street
In the area of the intersection of Jabłoniowa Street and Warszawska Street, where a tram loop is planned, underground utility networks are being installed. Soon base courses will be laid and paving works on roadways will begin.

