NDI will build two swimming pools in Katowice

On June 12, an implementing agreement was signed between the City Office in Katowice and NDI SA for the construction of two swimming pools located in Szopienice and Brynów.

Visually, they will be similar, but their functions will be different. Each pool will be a single-storey building with a basement, pool area and sports hall.

Buildings in numbers:

Swimming Pool in Brynów:

• Total cubic volume: 31 379 m3
• Cubic volume of the pool hall: 14 884 m3
• Water surface area: 657,3 m2
• Gross covered area: 2989,55 m2
• Usable floor area: 4675,73 m2

Swimming Pool in Szopienice:

• Total cubic volume: 31 379 m3
• Cubic volume of the pool hall: 14 884 m3
• Water surface area: 657,3 m2
• Gross covered area: 2989,55 m2
• Usable floor area: 4638,34 m2

The contract value is as follows:
• swimming pool in Brynów, at the intersection of Kościuszki and Zgrzebnioka – 25,2 million zlotys gross
• swimming pool in Szopienice-Burowiec at Hallera – 24,1 million zlotys gross

