„Katowice, a City of Professionals”. Students visited the NDI construction site

At the construction site of a new sports complex in Katowice, the South Branch team hosted a 16-person group of students from Primary School No. 11 with Integration Divisions named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Katowice. The „Katowice, a City of Professionals” initiative aims to support young people in developing their interests and preparing them for a future professional career in the technical sector. This is the first of five planned meetings as part of the city program.

The students were invited to the Katowice Stadium project, where they saw the construction site and learned about the details of the project. They talked to NDI Group employees about what they need to do to start a professional career in the construction industry, what opportunities they have and what are the advantages of a specific profession. The young people were very interested in visiting the stadium, they asked questions and listened with interest to short lectures, including those given by the Construction Manager. This spring, students from the region will be able to fully use the facilities at Nowa Bukowa and cheer on their favourite athletes at their matches. The stadium in Katowice will undoubtedly be one of the most important points on the sports map of the Śląskie Voivodeship.

The main objective of the “Katowice, a City of Professionals” programme is to familiarise students with the specifics of working in specific enterprises and studying at technical and vocational schools, thereby creating the best possible career prospects for young people. By collaborating with local companies, the City of Katowice shows students that a future in technical professions has many benefits.

“Katowice, a City of Professionals” consists of several stages. At the beginning, students attend an educational class at school, during which they learn about the advantages of choosing technical and industry fields of study. This is followed by a study visit to a selected company, where students can learn about the specifics of various professions and can see what work looks like in real conditions. The next step is a visit to a technical or vocational school, where students can learn more about available courses of study and opportunities for further development. The programme ends with a debriefing lesson that allows students to reflect on their experiences and help them make informed decisions about their future educational and career path.

