First bitumen on the DW 512


Since May, a consortium of companies from the NDI Group has been implementing the reconstruction of Voivodeship Road 512, and in October, the first bituminous mastics were laid there. The reconstruction of the road from Pieniężno to Bartoszyce will last until September 2021. This is a logistical challenge because the length of the road under reconstruction is up to 48 kilometres.

12 teams, i.e. over 70 people, are working intensively on the sections under reconstruction. Road 512 runs through the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in the Braniewo and Bartoszyce Poviats, within the city and commune of Pieniężno, the city and commune of Górowo Iławeckie and the commune of Bartoszyce.

This spread of investment causes that the logistics of material delivery and coordination of works on individual sections is the biggest challenge. It is necessary to maintain detours for local traffic, which in turn requires the completion of the designated section to be able to proceed to the next section. Similarly, a significant number of culverts that cross the road being reconstructed necessitates the highest level of coordination.

The task was divided into sections. Preparatory works have already been carried out, i.e. topsoil stripping and earthworks (replacement and construction of embankments) for the new Górowo beltway along with the layers of the road structure. Seven new culverts were created, and demolition and excavation works together with a frost protection layer were carried out from Worławki to Górowo Iławeckie; and also from Piasty Wielkie to Piaski.

Earthworks are ongoing on the section from Pieniężno to Górowo Iławeckie. From Worławki to Górowo Iławeckie, frost-resistant layer and the substructure of the new road are under construction. Teletechnical and water supply networks are also being reconstructed, and rainwater sewage system is being built. In Górowo Iławeckie, new culverts are being created and gas networks are being rebuilt.

On the section from Górowo Iławeckie to Bartoszyce, demolition works are also underway, and excavations, embankments with soil improvement and frost-resistant layers are being made. In Wiewiórki, a bridge is being dismantled and a brand new structure will be built here. From Piasty Wielkie to Wiewiórki, works are underway on the reconstruction of teletechnical and water supply networks.

’We laid the first bituminous layers on the construction site,’ says Marta Szydłowska, Project Director from NDI. 'In Wiewiórki, where a bridge is being dismantled, work is underway on the foundation of a brand new structure on the Elma River.’


Reconstruction of road 512 covers:

– construction of the beltway of Górowo Iławeckie and the village of Wojciechy;

– adjustment of horizontal and vertical arches of the DW512;

– construction and reconstruction of road junctions;

– construction and reconstruction of engineering structures, bridges and culverts, including renovation of 1 bridge, reconstruction of 1 bridge;

– construction and reconstruction of bus bays, pavements and parking spaces;

– construction of weighing stations for heavy goods vehicles with a vehicle service station;

– construction and reconstruction of private and public exits;

– necessary reconstruction/construction of street lighting, drainage of the road lane;

– adjustment consisting in the widening of the road;


For the sections outside built-up areas, the road will have a single carriageway cross-section, with road ditches at the base of the road body. Bus bays and platforms will be developed at the locations of bus stops. The street-type cross-section has been used for the sections on built-up areas – a curb will be located on both sides of the road. Pavement sections have been designed in the town and on the access to the planned bus stops. Platforms along bus bays have been designed at stops.

During this investment, NDI will perform:

– Construction of embankments in the amount of approx. 270,000 m3;

– 90 steel pipe arch, pipe culverts, culverts of reinforced concrete and GRP pipes;

– Execution of the substructure made of unbound mixture, for which it is necessary to provide approx. 120,000Mg of the mixture;

– Execution of the substructure of MCE mixture in the amount of 160,500 m2 (24,075 m3);

– Delivery of mineral and asphalt mixtures in an amount of approx. 130 thousand tonnes of mineral and asphalt mixtures.

The general contractor for the investment „Extension of Voivodeship Road 512 Pieniężno-Bartoszyce” is a consortium of NDI sp. zoo/NDI SA based in Sopot. The Contract Engineer is Sweco Consulting sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Poznań, represented by the Team from the Branch in Olsztyn.

The Employer is the Voivodeship Road Administration in Olsztyn.


