Farewell Ceremony

On behalf of the Family of President Jerzy Gajewski, please accepts words of gratitude for all warm memories you share and for your words of support and consolation.
We shall bid farewell to the President at St. John’s church in Gdańsk on 5 January, 12.00 hours.

Because of the pandemic-inflicted restrictions, only the closest Family and the invited Guests will have the opportunity to participate in the solemn mass.
Yet, we realise that many would like to have their share in the last respects paid to the President, and therefore the mass will be transmitted on line. You will find links to the transmission on our website: ndi.pl, and on our profiles in the social media.

We have put the Book of Condolences at your disposal in the lobby of the NDI main offices in Sopot, at 19 Powstańców Warszawy Street.
Everyone who would like to make a commemorative entry therein is invited on a business day between 9.00 and 17.00 hours. We will be obliged for your compliance with the sanitary requirements, e.g. wearing a mask and using your own pen.

You can also leave your entry in the Book of Condolences in its electronic format at:


In the name of the President’s Family we kindly ask you not to bring flowers or candles. If you wish to honour the late Jerzy, he would certainly rejoice deepest, if you made a transfer to any one of the charity foundations of the Tri-City, close to his heart.
You can make a donation to any Foundation of your choice, the transfer order entitled ‘For Jerzy’ [„Dla Jerzego”].

Fundacja Serce im. Janusza Korczaka, [Janusz Korczak Heart Foundation]
bank account number: 63 1160 2202 0000 0001 0855 9451

Fundacja Pomorze Dzieciom [Pomerania for Children Foundation]
bank account number: 33 1090 1098 0000 0001 2428 2268

Fundacja im. Księdza Jana Kaczkowskiego [Priest Jan Kaczkowski Foundation]
bank account number: 54 1240 1242 1111 0010 7685 0834