Contract for the modernization and construction of a rail link to the airport in Szymany
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. has awarded the NDI SA and NDI Sp. z o.o. Consortium a contract for producing the design and performing the construction works under the project entitled: „Revitalisation and Modernisation of Railway Lines Olsztyn – Szczytno – Szymany (section Olsztyn – Szczytno – railway line No. 219, and section Szymany – Szczytno – railway line No. 35) as the railway connection between the modernised Szymany airfield and Olsztyn – Phase II”, co-financed from the Regional Operational Programme Warmia and Mazury 2007 – 2013. The contract with the NDI Consortium is priced at PLN 61 330 526.73 gross.