Construction of a road and rail system at the Port of Gdańsk halfway through

Over half of the work carried out by NDI at the Port of Gdańsk has already been completed. The most advanced – reaching 60% – are works in the railway construction. For the bridge construction, 56% of work has been completed and for the road construction 51%. The rail leading to the DCT container terminal will be reconstructed before the deadline set out in the contract.

The milestone of the project will be the transfer of traffic to the DCT terminal, which will enable the start of another important stage – demolition of the existing track 901 and construction of Kontenerowa St. Due to the continuous use of rail transport to and from the DCT terminal, works on the track will be carried out during a very short 48-hour track closure. The transfer of traffic to the DCT track is expected to take place at the turn of October/November, i.e. a month earlier than planned in the schedule.

’Works on the construction of the track to the coal terminal are about to start and network, bridge and road works will continue,’ says Jacek Szymański, Project Director at NDI. 'We have already completed works related to constructing engineering structures, flyovers: WD-2, WD-3, WD-4 and the P2 culvert for fuel pipelines. Construction of culverts was quite a challenge due to the necessity to maintain restrictive process regimes required by network administrators. Also, the implementation of other works, in stages, without road closures due to the need to ensure continuous access for users and tenants to all port areas, requires a lot of logistics from us,’ adds Szymański.


Currently, finishing works are carried out at the WD-2, WD-3 and WD-4 engineering structures, and prefabricated beams will be installed on WD1.

77% of work in the buffer car park for heavy goods vehicles at Portowa St. has also been completed. In the coming months – about half a year ahead of schedule – the contractor, i.e. NDI based in Sopot, plans to hand over the reconstructed sections of Portowa and Nowa Portowa Streets with bridges and a car park for heavy goods vehicles.

The contractor will now carry out a very interesting stage of work related to the soil reinforcement by the method of prefabricated drains with preload embankment and CFA columns under Kontenerowa St. The busiest street on the premises of the Port, Budowniczych Portu Północnego St., will also be reconstructed, and culverts for a set of 16 fuel pipes under the street will be constructed.

About the project

As a part of the project to expand the road and rail system at the Outer Port carried out by NDI for Port of Gdańsk SA, the following streets are being reconstructed: Portowa, Poinca, Kontenerowa and Budowniczych Portu Północnego, with a total length of 5.6 km.

Four new flyovers are under construction and two existing ones will be demolished (including one over active railway tracks and the other over a set of fuel supply pipes of PERN, LOTOS and Naftoport). An additional track to the DCT terminal, new tracks to coal terminals, and a modern rail traffic control system are planned. A buffer car park for heavy goods vehicles will also be built – the first one in this part of the Port.

The new road and rail system with a length of 9.4 km (including 16 new turnouts) is also to provide facilities for the future Central Port, thanks to which the transhipment at the Port of Gdańsk may reach 100 million tonnes per year. The value of the contract is almost PLN 176 million. The project will have been implemented by the end of 2020

