New project of NDI Energy in Wielkopolska

NDI Energy has signed a contract for the reconstruction of bridge structures: the WA39 and WA39A flyovers, and the MA52 bridge on the A2 motorway. The contracting authority is Autostrada Wielkopolska S.A.

The Motorway Flyover at this location consists of two independent facilities (one for each motorway carriageway), hence the names WA39 and WA39A. The facility is located near Września. The flyover will be completely demolished and then rebuilt.

Maintaining a high standard of road infrastructure to ensure safe and comfortable driving on the A2 concession section is a priority for Autostrada Wielkopolska. We constantly inspect the condition of pavements and motorway facilities, and we plan the tasks in advance, working with proven and reliable contractors. We also respond to changing transport conditions and the needs of drivers. The planned investment will improve the load-bearing capacity class of the flyover and bridge near Września, ensuring safe passage even for the heaviest and most demanding vehicles,” says Sebastian Joachimiak, member of the Management Board of Autostrada Wielkopolska S.A.

At the MA52 motorway bridge, located near Słupca, on the concession section of the A2 motorway, the existing span of the structure and partly also the body will be demolished. As part of the work to be carried out, the foundation of the structure will be strengthened, the supports will be reinforced and a new span structure will be built. Once the bridge has been reconstructed, the span will be divided into two twin structures, one for each carriageway of the motorway.

The planned reconstruction will make it possible to adjust the load-bearing capacity and structural and geometric parameters to the current requirements of technical and construction regulations, including the upgrading of the load-bearing capacity to Class I and the regulatory required load capacity for special vehicles according to Class MLC.

Traffic will be maintained on the motorway during the work.

“We are happy to work with Austostrada Wielkopolska. In addition to power and rail construction, roads is a sector that we are developing at NDI Energy, for which we have established a dedicated implementation team and are working with experienced contractors and suppliers,” says Cezary Chruściński, President of the Management Board of NDI Energy.

We plan to start the work by closing the southbound carriageways in the direction of Warsaw, and shifting traffic to the northbound carriageway. We will introduce temporary traffic management, so the motorway will be narrowed to one lane in each direction at the level of the reconstructed facilities,” says Jędrzej Gajda, Site Manager at NDI Energy.

Due to the work carried out, it will also be necessary to introduce temporary traffic management on the national road DK15/92, which passes under the WA39/WA39A flyover.

The site where the work will be carried out was handed over to the contractor this week. It is scheduled to start in the second half of June.

