NDI Energy’s new sewage treatment plant contract
NDI Energy has signed a contract with the Town Hall of Stęszew Municipality for the construction and expansion of the sewage treatment plant. The nearly PLN 34 million gross investment will take 18 months to complete.
As part of the investment, the company will focus on the expansion of the existing treatment plant and will construct new process facilities. The task of building and reconstructing the sewage treatment plant in Witobel will increase capacity and improve the technical operation of the plant. The plant receives sewage from the municipality of Stęszew.
The scope of work to be carried out by NDI ENERGY includes among others the construction of two biological reactors with a reactor vessel diameter of 22 m and a height of 5.8 m, in which physico-chemical and biological processes will be carried out. The structures will be founded on concrete piles. Other works include: the construction of an excess sludge tank, a lime silo, a sewage measuring station, and the equalisation tank will be reconstructed. The general construction work will include the construction of a technical building with a station for mechanical sludge pretreatment, dewatering and hygienisation. In addition, networks, technological and sanitary systems in the facilities and on the treatment plant site will be constructed, together with road works and land development.
The facility’s control system will be modernised, which will allow for efficient control of the operation of sewage treatment technology.
“We are very pleased to be able to carry out another investment in the environmental protection sector. This is the third sewage treatment plant we will be implementing recently. The new facility will allow the wastewater treatment process to be conducted more efficiently and will accept a greater volume of wastewater from the Municipality of Stęszew, which is important from the perspective of further residential development in the surrounding area,” said Cezary Chruściński, President of the Management Board of NDI Energy.