Inter Energia S.A.

The core activity of Inter Energia is domestic and international wholesale electricity trading. The company is also involved in the electricity generation market, through investments in distributed, renewable energy sources.

Wholesale market

We exploit all available trading platforms (Energy Exchanges, brokers, bilateral contract market) to create portfolios with different risk profiles, tailored to both our own arbitrage strategies and the needs of our trading partners. We offer conventional electricity, as proposed in standard products (baseload, peak, offpeak), as well as property rights resulting from certificates of origin for energy produced in high-efficiency cogeneration, and in renewable sources owned by our company.

Retail market

Since 2012, we have also been selling electricity to end customers who intend to exercise their right to change supplier. We address our cooperation offer to business customers connected to any voltage level. The company is the holder of general distribution agreements (GDA) with: Tauron Dystrybucja Joint Stock Company., Energa Operator Joint Stock Company., ENEA Operator Joint Stock Company., PKP Energetyka Joint Stock Company. Warsaw Branch, RWE Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company), PGE Dystrybucja Joint Stock Company We do not currently sell electricity to households.

Services for trading companies


POB service

The trade balancing service consists in settling the aggregate difference in the amount of electricity that was consumed by the Final Customers in relation to the amount of electricity previously notified by the Seller. As part of the POB service, Inter Energia S.A., on the basis of the contract concluded with the Customer for the provision of the Trade Balancing service, undertakes to notify the Transmission System Operator (TSO) on a daily basis of the Electricity Sale Contracts (ZUSE) concluded by the Balancing Entity.


Benefits of the service

By using our services, the Customer avoids the costs associated with the provision of the necessary IT infrastructure (WIRE system), does not have to conclude a transmission agreement with the TSO or complete the required security. In addition, the Customer does not take responsibility for the correct filing of the WIRE, and Inter Energia S.A. ensures an efficient and timely flow of reports and information.

Concessions granted


Concession for trading in electricity

Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority of 27 May 2019, No. DRE.WOSE.4111.ŁG, to grant concession No. OEE/257/867/W/2/2008/PJ for the period from 06.11.2009 to 06.11.2029.


Concession for the generation of electricity

Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority of 25.08.2009, No. WEE/1338/867/W/3/2009/AWŚ for the period from 25.08.2009 to 02.07.2024.


Concession for trading in gaseous fuels

Decision of the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority of 31 January 2022, No. DRG.DRG-1.4112.78.2021.ZŁ to extend the validity of the concession No. OPG/221/867/W/DRG/2013/KL for the period from 25.02.2013 to 25.02.2033.


Registration in the Register of Small Facility Producers

Certificate of entry in the Register of Small Installations Generators dated 04.05.2015 with number MIZOE/URE00001/2015.

Contact details

Contact us 

Inter Energia S.A. is the controller of your personal data contained in the form and they are processed, among others, in order to answer your inquiry. Information about your rights, our contact details and contact details of the data protection officer, the legal basis for processing, recipients of your data, storage period, the voluntary nature of providing data and the consequences of not providing them are available here.

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